Changing hearts, transforming lives, and impacting the world in Ross, Marion, and Madison correctional institutes.

Secondary Title


Kairos Inside: Kairos believes that true rehabilitation starts with the heart. This ministry to incarcerated men and women begins with the Kairos weekend where volunteers model and communicate God's unconditional love, grace, and mercy. It is here that God begins changing hearts. A key outcome of the Kairos weekend is for participants to find hope and a new vision for their life through a relationship with God.

Kairos Outside: Designed to support the families of incarcerated men, women, and juveniles. Any adult female family member whose life has been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one is eligible to attend a Kairos Outside weekend.

Torch: A mentoring ministry to incarcerated offenders age 25 and under that addresses all facets of the youthful offender's life including mental, health, socialization, and decision making. The Kairos Torch program encourages young offenders to realize their potential through creating a safe environment, allowing them to learn what life can be like in a loving, caring, and trusting community.


How can i get involved?

Pray for those impacted by Kairos

Bake cookies for a Kairos Weekend

Attend a Kairos Weekend Closing


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