Hit the books and dig into Scripture with a variety of classes, studies, and workshops to help you grow closer to God and others.
Bob Cook's class will relaunch on September 29 @ 9 am, finishing the Heaven study – based on Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven”
A sample of topics that will be covered:
- A theology of Heaven
- Understanding Present Heaven
- Grasping Redemption’s far reach
- Anticipating Resurrection
- Seeing the Restored Earth
- Celebrating Our Relationship With God
- Ruling on the New Earth
All are welcome in the Oasis Room @ 9 am! Once they've completed the Heaven study, they will dig into various books of the Bible. - A theology of Heaven
Ladies, you're invited to our Sunday morning study of the church-wide Rooted Experience! Join us in the Oasis Room @ 10:30 am beginning on September 8!
The book of Isaiah in the Old Testament is long (66 chapters)! But in this short class on Isaiah (8 weeks), we will be hitting the highlights, especially as the book focuses on the problem of sin and God's provision for that problem in the predicted Messiah. Join George Fisher beginning on September 8 in the Commons @ 10:30 am! The class will conclude on October 27.
7th-12th graders are invited to join us in the Student Center @ 9 am for study. Then, we worship together @ 10:30 in the Worship Center.
Click here to RSVP for Sunday mornings with Discover Kids!
Monday evenings at 7 pm in the Oasis Room beginning on September 9
Ladies, join us for a seven-week study called Trite, Not True by Jarrett Stephens. Jump in at any time. There will be no work outside of our time together, so you can still be a part of a Rooted group without overwhelm.
You and I are swimming in a culture full of opinions masquerading as wisdom. What’s worse, much of what passes as wisdom today has the ring of biblical truth. How do you tell the difference? How do see through half-truths and self-help trends to access the deep wisdom of God’s Word and the full life found in Him alone?